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Current position:Home - Case - Public construction
State Grid UHVDC Experiment Base-Test Hall Steel Grid Project
Release time:2020-05-11 18:12:18      The number of clicks:520

The projected area of the grid is 6483.75㎡, the axis dimensions are: length 95M, width 68.25M, maximum height 5.80M. The seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees; the structure is a three-layer positively placed quadrangular cone bolt ball node grid, which is supported by the surrounding columns; the upper chord of the grid is suspended with 12 exhaust fans, each weighing 450kg; the lower chord of the grid has 4 5t , A suspension crane with a span of 12m and a beam length of 14m, and four electric hoists (two each of 3 tons and 2 tons), and a hanging shielding plate. The total weight of the grid is 760.67 tons, which is a heavy-duty grid.

The roof is made of double-layer galvanized steel plate with 75-thick glass wool inside, and the bulk density is 16kg / M3.

The grid construction adopts the cumulative sliding method of high-altitude bulk. This project is China's first implementation of a large-span, heavy-duty, grid-mounted, high-altitude, bulk-by-row cumulative slip installation method.

The project started in December 2007, and was successfully unloaded and placed on March 7, 2008. It was fully completed on May 28 and won the State Grid Quality Project.

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